Couple nice portraits - I feel like I finally nailed Maya - it's a shame it took this "sad" look to pull it off, cause there's only one point in the story where she gets down. But I think I like the hair this way.

And here's Justin's sister Carrie, looking concerned.

I'm going to go on one more inking spree tomorrow, to finish up everything in my sketchbook, and then I need to get on a writing kick - breaking this down into pages, seeing how long this thing is going to be (I've been telling people it could be anywhere between 50-100 pages).
9:00 - 12:00 - inking
12:00 - 2:00 - walk to Williamsburg, edit story and breakdowns
2:00 - 4:30 - gym, shower, lunch / dinner
4:30 - 7:00 - environment designs (neighborhood, another wood scene, water tower, home interior)
7:00 - ? - Zak's birthday
Really? 50 to 100 pages?
I like the picture of Mrs. Gardiner. She looks like somebody to counter the other "sad ladies." Mom
I like Mrs. Gardiner too!
I like to draw old people - it's fascinating to delve into the wrinkles, and there's a much wider margin for error.
Maybe I'll set my next story in a rest home...
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